Monday, July 7, 2008


Ive been blabbering about going back to square one and all this shit but i think im not making any changes and its going nowhere. what now i am looking for in my life is to be stable and happy. What i aim.

1: Academically success
2: Grow taller and at the same time gain weight to at least 65kg
3: Learn back things that i ditched long time ago
4: Financially Stable

Its been almost more than half a year passed and I see no difference and this year is a "NonS" and "Crisis" year. Everyone with their own partners or tensions.

Small matters turning into something big. Im not critisizing anyone or anything but its juz my point of view. The big cluster of groups we used to have last time, slowly turning into smaller clusters. Kawan jadi lawan? Its becoz u dun like some of the guys/girls character in them which in turn leads to critism.

Its quite tension for the people who're taking O lvls this year and with problems they're facing, they tend to give up. ( macam paham ). Id like to see the good in everyone like we used to last time. Happy go lucky

In time to come, i think being independent is the best or a loner. frankly speaking what u friends said to me about speaking to myself is actually true =D. I like to speak to myself when im thinking and trying to solve something. yeah! im being truthful here eh.

Complications can be solved through umcomplicating it. So find a way to solve it and i know u people can. =) SlamatS!

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