Those guys were hungry so we ate at kopitiam. I ate ice kacang, while the others ate kebab. Then came Rahman out of nowhere. He was also hungry and he ate Lamb Chop i think. Later after we finished our lunch, Faiz came. We take a walk near downtown there. Theres a cosplay event. They were all wearing anime costumes. Bleach, Naruto, One piece, D-Grayman and other anime characters were there. Its rare to see such events happening. But its kewl yeah.
Bleach Espadas

Then, we met Anabel, Jam, Kentot and Adillah and camwhored abit.

Fanatic Faces!

7pm sharp. We went into Nebo tent or what they called it im not sure.
Nebo Party man!
Not forgetting THEORB ( The human eye only represents beauty ) did i get it right?
Qas ( vocalist ), Hazim and Hakim ( guitarist ), Khair ( Dummer ), Clarabel Pianist and last girl im not sure of her name ( Basist ).

Their band performing

at 9pm Party!
Musics were ok but.. i dunno what to say
they all dance and dance and dance.. But they were too little crowds
But its ok juz dance

Woo Kentot~

BAIK DOMAT! Hip HOP! Hahaha~

Ended all at 11.30pm
Went straight home and took a shower and almost off to bed butttt~~
Afiq Amin and Sufiandy called to slack out through the nite
So yeah tonned. We chat alot
Its fun meeting them
Its been long time since we last Hangout =D
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