Woke up late again! supposed to meet my Cuz at 10.30am but instead reached at his house at 12pm. Aunt is planning to blanja us 3 at swensens in junction 8.
Ordered Crab Pasta, Sirlion steak ( medium rare ), Baked ricepasta, Tomato Mussels Stew and Clam Chowder. Food was superb! Service was excellent.
For desserts we ordered apple crumble and crunch CHoc. We were too full to finish up our desserts. Bill was $120! for all these meal. O yeah Aunt Blanja. Thanks CIK BUSU AND PAK HITAM! Puas hati. Then, we went shopping at junction 8. Check out the Singtel shop and Nokia shops to check out the prices of hp. Did my homework for the hps. At 3pm, Aunt gota go. Sent her to a taxi stand and she took off.
Sabri, Haziq and me went to smoke. Then came this Ah Beng. He was high. He asked us whether we played coughing syrup or not ( of course we don't ). Came her GF or her friend i dunno. She was W0w. Hot CHick. She requested $5 from us to take taxi to visit her *dying father*. We were reluctant. But in the end i've to give her $5 bucks. She offered me her phone no but i refused ( SIAL Shud have taken her hp no ).
They took off. Kecoh sia. 4pm. We 3 went our separate ways.
Meet my mom at parkway. Was at singtel Roadshow. I couldnt make up my mind on what hp to grab. W960i? W890i? N82? N82 price was too expensive. same goes to W960i.
Surveyed and did my homework. Still couldnt decide. Went to starhub shop. My mom reminded me of a $200 starhub voucher my dad received. Surveyed the phone once again. In the end grabbed N82. hahaha my dream phone. Dad also bought a new phone but passed on to my little brother. I was happy =D thanks mom and dad =) ( Damn u friends for cursing me to lose this hp haha. They gave me 2 months )
Went to chill out with Faiz, kentot and ayie. Meet them at around 10.30pm at Tamp near Jam house. We talk3. then go makan. The most unexpected thing happened. Ayie Smoked. TSk3. went home and do my stuff. Slept at 4am.
End of with pics

Mulut tak tau tutup

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