The guys practiced really hard for the dikir for Miss Shaheera Wedding. Opps its Mdm Shaheera now. hahahah. 1 week straight daily except for a two days they trained on a hill at Bedok Reservoir. Too bad i cannot dikir as i could not be able to make it on Mdm Shaheera wedding. Selamat Pengantin Baru Cikgu Shaheera! Family comes first =) Sori.
Pictures of the guys training.

Nice View


I think they did a great job on Mdm Shaheera's wedding. Power lah.
Aside from that.
Too much slacking this week. Thats what i like most now hahaha. The 4 mosquitoes, Faiz, Chong, Angelo and me. we frequently skip lectures and slack.

Cabot lecture play cards

On the other hand, This ball reminds me of the old days when we used to play soccer together. hahaha. GBK, B to the power of 4, Budak Syed, semua dah mati! eh tak, tak mati tapi semua dah relek ah. Hahaha

Term test starts later at 9.30am. So i better go off and study now. Peace~
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