yea2 firstly,
hahah ur funny =D not!. I know my english is bad but Ill be frank here.
despite the same IP address. it may come from a same wireless internet ip.whether ur my friend or not, that doesnt matter
Im blacklisted? cuz of that spamming and that day? heh! Childish thoughts, ugly names? eh sori *VeRy NiCe Names* =)NoW JOKES? APE MEPEK SIAK! Darah naik ke ape
its a strange thing yeah the word *friend*, 1 day it comes and the other its gone i wonder. Dun know us dun judge the book by its cover.
and btw our clan does not do this childish stuff alrite we dun do this kind of shit.. if u tink wer unentertainment,
we shudnt have met in the first place so no offence or anything. ur laughter, split personality and stuff,
I admire cuz its unique,
if its becoz im the cause of this shit asking Siti's number in the first place, the 3weeks meeting is a regret or stuff, feel free to let it out.
I dont manipulate people, i respect my friends and people for who they are.
Its true we people are hypocites and ego. Id say everyone has their own hypocrites and ego.
With all due respect, Im sorry if im the cause of this, feel free to blacklist me now =).Lastly If somehow, if we were to meet again, ill juz smile. Takecare
P.S: If u tink silence is golden, i tink its not. Declare it =) be free? Commitment? Guts is all i say.
5 straight days NO SLEEP! actually slept only for 8 hours within dat 5 days (eye bags getting worst or what). Penat ke ape! hahahaha. The planning, projects, working and family all 1 shot settled! Success! Goal achieved and Gerek~~~. Saham naik =D
The truth behind lies
The idea struck within head on last Sunday for making Ayie's birthday book.
Took the first few steps in thinking at home. Monday go east coast to swim and beach soccer. been long time la didnt go swimming. F.A, Fahmi, Khairi, Lut, Black, Ayie, Faiz and Mujahid.

Baik per rambot hahaha

Cute kaper! hahaha

Nasib baik tak fanay =P!

Mujahid sebok jek!

Rugby Players XD

After that, we head to long john makan. Discussed the plan. But F.A said to scrap! Babi! Went home. printer spoilt. great... did the picture editing and cropping of blacks face yeah hahahaha! Print the pictures in school. We did our first move =D that was on Wednesday. Before we get started, news on my stolen Hp found. Its confidential =D. So Mujahid, Hakim, Faiz, Kentot, Faiz, Fahmi, Elfi, F.A, Khairi, Black did our first move.
1st day 3 pages completed.

That Nite ton at jam's house (wednesday). MANU VS CHELSEA BEB! besides thats the First day celebration for Ayie =D Mini cake from Rachel and Fahmi

Lut ketiak baik kaper! hahahaha! W0W!!!

Mac at 4am in the morning

Stupid jam. MANU ALL THE WAY!
Ronaldo SCORES! Msged mujahid, min, HAziq and Mael 4am+ in the morning and mujahid was like *NABS!* Min *juz watch chelsea will win*
*A few mins before half time* **GOAL!** GOD DAM CHELSEA SCore. BOOO!!!!Chelsea!!!! TYCO!
Mujahid was *why quiet after chelsea score NABS!*
but in the end MANU WIN LAH DEI! Hahahaha power to the max. To all chelsea fans too bad u didnt make it for the champions and NO TITLE AT All! Min not ur day XD
at 8am reached home. Slept and overslept till 9am. late for school. Luckily i took a shower before i went for a nap. My mother kept nagging and nagging.
Slept in school... till 12pm. Cabot lectures with Faiz to celebrate on ayie's 2nd day bash! Off to Damai Secondary!

2nd Birthday Cake by all =D

cut the cake


All got hit by the cake. Ribut!

All i can say is, DEJAVU on Nokia 5610

3pm... went back to TP. Test on digital fundimental going on. The test was *BOLASAI* **Chongs favourite word**
2nd day doing Ayie's book project.

Sempat pose hahaha

For Ayie!

He wants to be the hero

But khairi is hahaha
The book was 3/4 done. Touched up done by me on Friday morning.... Eyes are heavy only had a few hours of sleep during the 4 days. For the sake of ayie, its ok. Touched up...... left dedications and signatures.
Met Ayie at simpang (3rd day celebration). He surprised us instead of we surprising him. We all rushed and secretly wrote the dedication for Ayie and sign. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYIE!!!!!

These 2 guls spoil my camera =P. Naw juz kidding hahaha

Syafiq and me only =D

Now lut and Mujahid hahaha

Pantang nampak camera hahaha

After camwhoring at Simpang, we moved on to MADJACK to get Ayie's desert =).


I wanted to see Ayie Cry but he has no emotions! hahaha kidding

We were supposed to lavitate
At last.... some left home but Ayie, Khairil, Black, Faiz, Kentot, Elfi, Hakim, stayed and we karoke at near Watermelon at a stage in Tamp.
Almost ending


Gang bang
Heres the book that we did for Ayie

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYIE! ur now 17 and dont behave like a 16 anymore like kentot cuz hes the youngest! hahaha. Gd luck on ur O lvls! If u do not make it, Like Firdaus Ahmad Said he can recomment u go ITE 100%. Hahahah Kidding
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