Im going to try to manage my time properly. Balance between school, work and slack. so yeah. I think its gonna be alright. At any time anything goes wrong. Bye2 Mak's place. Wah dah lamer tak contact lina tah2 dier tegur ehk? tak expected tol. Ingat dah ade matair luperkan kwn lamer dier. Hahahhaa
English O lvl? Bo La Sa lah. hahahaha macam paham. I juz need to practice abit more comprehension to smoothen my understanding. For composition, I think i need to focus on the topic that im good at and yeah. Letter writing. Jialat Die!.
Ok tomorow gonna jln raya with last year express student. Im looking forward to meet them espacially someone lah kan. Mujahid knows who ahahhaha. Old Crush nak katekan. Huhuahua. whatever it is i need to wake up at 9.45am which I think I can't. Seseorang kejutkan aku esok. Maseh!
Next week Raya at Malaysia. Lazy sia. But I can buy ciggs there. See how it goes yeah. If in any case I don't go Msia. cuzz house standby ah. Aku serbu dulu. Kalau tak aku serbu rumah Fahmi hahahaha. Tak tau malu sak. hahaha k End my post here
Yesterday's Mechatronic/Maskot/Poly Raya.
Farah Sebok Budak NYP. Hahahaha Kidding.

Eeee Ariff, Black... Hahaha

Kencing sempat buat circle

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