Syahmi is always the annoying one. Pak Hitam giving him advice about mixing around with bad companies and all and not get influenced.
He puts up a point in saying *Ya lah, like this 2 people smoking*
Pak Hitam and I: no, thats not the point Amy, Smoking is juz an expensive habit
Syahmi: See smokers and their excuses
Pak Hitam and I: * Silent *
hahaha nice point U *** ahahha.. for a 13 year old kid to say that to a 17 and 54 year old. Bah whatever. I've will always take Pak Hitam's advice. Hes very wise.
ok my back is aching really bad and I dunno why. Jyeah~. This week Hari raya for the family relatives while tommorow onwards we are gonna have friends outing. Looking forward to it. Jyeah~
Touching or what!~

Syahmi annoying Cuzz, He and is word lame tak habis2

little bro sleeping

Rebonded hair. Baik ZIq! ahahha

tetap jiwer 3 musketeers

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