The day started with school as usual. This week is quite a hectic week for me. All the subjects are getting more advanced. I underestimated it. SSmaths teacher really3 need to get sacked. Our class will make a petition on her resignation. What kind of teacher doesnt teach and expect us to know all the answers? Complaint to the head of SSmath but he said he will do something about it. Ok Mr Sukumar was being nice calling me Micheal Jackson. -_-. So random. End lessons at 11am. Took a lecture theatre and took a nap till 1pm.
Woke up and I went to The CCN day thingy where people open up their stalls to sell up their stuff. ( Fruits, Drinks, Clothes and alot of other things ). It was sooo Noisy and kecoh uhh. Took some laughing gas while promoting our class Chocolate fondue. Exhaustion. Reached home and took another 2 hours of nap.
CCN day ( M810 )

8pm soccer at MAHBOB. KIMAK DAH LAMER PER TAK MAIN MAHBOB!!! It was really superb playing there hahaha. Nothin much to say about. Saturday and Sunday working after being temporarily suspended due to full time staffs and now im back to work.
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